Congratulations to Mutiara Teknologi (M) Sdn. Bhd. for receiving a SILVER Award!
On 25th June 2019, Mutiara Teknologi (M) Sdn Bhd has received a recognition award (Silver) on High Productivity Enterprises (HPE) by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MPC) at Perdana Hall, MITI Tower.
HPE is recognition for High Productivity Enterprises operating in Malaysia and using local talent. This recognition was organized as a result of decision made by the National Productivity Council.
This is especially important for Malaysia seeking to be a developed nation with excellent work culture, good labor-management relationship with high productivity. Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) through Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC) entrusted to deliver this decision with the strong support of all relevant Ministries and Agencies.
Congratulations again Mutiara Teknologi (M) Sdn Bhd on the award and keep on thriving to reach the possibilities.