Mutiara Teknologi develops the Training Center Needs Assessment Software, specifically for public safety segment specifically in MERS 999. We are exclusive partner for Priority Dispatch Centre (PDC) in Malaysia.
Public Safety Software Training
Many factors contribute to the successful planning and implementation of a public safety training centre. The first step in the business planning process is the Training Needs Assessment. The needs assessment identifies the type of facilities needed such as classrooms, training props and infrastructures. It than identifies, documents and validates these requirements not only for the short term but for many years to come. After collecting a huge amount of data it then must be organized, stored and be retrievable in a format that is useful to the training centre planners.
To assist the training centre planners, Mutiara developed the Training Center Needs Assessment Software, specifically for public safety training centre. The software database enables users to quickly and efficiently enter data for each training class and then organize it, sort it, and create customized reports. We provide training to the agencies involved in Public Safety Service at MERS999 training center.